Change we can: pupil wins journalism competition
Earlier this month, the 4ème and 3ème pupils took part in French publication l’ECHO Magazine’s annual young journalist, and we are very proud to congratulate Joséphine Baignères, whose article won first prize.
The theme of the contest was the ways in which people of the United Kingdom repair and preserve our planet and each article entry was required to contain a field survey, an interview and testimonies.
“My article is about different measures taken by people in the UK to fight climate change and simple things you can do on a daily basis to help prevent climate change, from student protests, to vegetarianism and recycling,” says Joséphine.
The article named “Change We Can” is available on ECHO Magazine’s website and will be published in the June print edition of the magazine.
We hope that this talented young scribe’s research and writing will help to inform and inspire the readers of l’ECHO Magazine and the people of the United Kingdom to protect our precious planet. Congratulations on your hard work, Joséphine!
Read her full article here: