Congratulations, Class of 21!
We are extremely proud of the Class of 21, the first generation of students to graduate from our school! They have achieved impressive exam results and secured outstanding offers from top universities around the world. Bravo !
French Baccalaureate: 100% success rate, with 100% students obtaining a mention “bien” or “très bien”
International Baccalaureate: 100% success rate, with an exceptional average of 40,6. While we do not yet have UK rankings for the May 2021 session, this exceptional result would rank our school as #4 in the UK when compared to last year’s results. 100% of our students obtained the Bilingual IB.
University Offers : our students applied for Higher Education across the world, with 90% applying to British universities, and 90% securing places at their first choice universities. Of UK applicants, our students received an average of 4 offers (out of a maximum of 5) and 88% of students received offers from Russell Group universities, including Oxford, LSE, King’s, UCL, Durham and Warwick! Elsewhere in the world, students have received offers from universities in France, Canada, Spain and Switzerland.
Congratulations to our students!
We wish them all the best for the future
Read MoreChange we can: pupil wins journalism competition
Earlier this month, the 4ème and 3ème pupils took part in French publication l’ECHO Magazine’s annual young journalist, and we are very proud to congratulate Joséphine Baignères, whose article won first prize.
The theme of the contest was the ways in which people of the United Kingdom repair and preserve our planet and each article entry was required to contain a field survey, an interview and testimonies.
“My article is about different measures taken by people in the UK to fight climate change and simple things you can do on a daily basis to help prevent climate change, from student protests, to vegetarianism and recycling,” says Joséphine.
The article named “Change We Can” is available on ECHO Magazine’s website and will be published in the June print edition of the magazine.
We hope that this talented young scribe’s research and writing will help to inform and inspire the readers of l’ECHO Magazine and the people of the United Kingdom to protect our precious planet. Congratulations on your hard work, Joséphine!
Read her full article here:
Read MorePupils raise £3,671.50 through Readathon!
Congratulations to our pupils in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 whose Readathon efforts have raised £3,671.50 in support of the Chifundo Foundation. The Chifundo Foundation is dedicated to educating some of the most underprivileged children in the villages of Zomba, Malawi and all the money raised will go towards supporting their educational projects.
Congratulations to all involved in the fundraising effort!
Read MoreEcole Jeannine Manuel ranked top school in France for the eighth year running!
Eight in a row! Ecole Jeannine Manuel in Paris is ranked best school in France by L’Internaute for the eighth consecutive year while our sister school based in Lille comes third in a ranking by L’Express. Congratulations to our fellow students, teachers and staff for this outstanding achievement!
Read the full statement from Ecole Jeannine Manuel below:
En ces temps difficiles, il nous semble plus que jamais nécessaire de partager et de célébrer ensemble les bonnes nouvelles. Premier lycée de France pour la huitième année consécutive au classement de L’Internaute publié aujourd’hui, l’École Jeannine Manuel Paris confirme son excellence. Son école sœur de Lille conforte quant à elle sa troisième place dans le palmarès de L’Express.
Au-delà des classements, propres à chaque média, ces résultats témoignent à la fois de l’excellence pédagogique et de la capacité de l’école à accompagner avec bienveillance l’ensemble de ses élèves jusqu’au Baccalauréat. Cela est d’autant plus vrai dans les circonstances exceptionnelles que nous traversons actuellement. Individuellement et collectivement, nos équipes déploient depuis plusieurs jours des trésors d’imagination, d’organisation et de souplesse pour permettre à tous nos établissements de fonctionner autrement.
Avec toute l’humilité qu’implique un tel contexte, nous avons des raisons d’être fiers aujourd’hui : fiers du talent de nos élèves, remarquables de créativité et de curiosité, fiers de l’engagement de l’ensemble de nos équipes pédagogiques qui partagent leur savoir avec passion et n’ont de cesse de faire progresser les élèves tout au long de leur scolarité, fiers enfin de l’esprit de solidarité et d’entraide que nous avons pu voir émerger au cours des derniers mois au sein de notre communauté.
Supporting Education in Malawi
As a UNESCO school, we are very happy to celebrate the International Day of Education with the launch of our Readathon in support of the Chifundo Foundation, a charity dedicated to educating children in Malawi. We are particularly proud and honoured to be supporting the Chifundo Foundation as it was created by the family of our very own Mr Cogavin, teacher of English. We can’t wait to see how many books you will read!
An adventure through time
Last week, pupils in Year 7 took a trip to the Royal Society of Chemistry for an event entitled “1001 Inventions: Journeys from Alchemy to Chemistry”. Through various talks and practical experiments, they discovered how the science we now know as Chemistry evolved throughout the ages. Highlights of the trip included workshops on making oobleck – a cornstarch-based substance that acts like a liquid when being poured, but like a solid when a force is acting on it – and a workshop on soap and perfume making. The visit was a fantastic opportunity for pupils to learn about chemistry whilst also finding out about the history of science. In the words of the students: “We all loved it and we all came out with a different perspective on science.” Thank you to science teachers Ms. Mummery and Mr. Turner for organising!
Our students’ work published in the Printemps des Jeunes Auteurs
“From an early age, all children are taught to share. Parents teach siblings to share. Teachers model and support sharing among classmates at school…Faced with the idea of sharing the planet, our young authors have looked at the simple – sharing with a friend – and the complex – sharing resources across borders.”
This year, the theme for Ecole Jeannine Manuel’s 8th edition of the Printemps des Jeunes Auteurs was “Sharing our Planet”. We are extremely proud of the ten students from our school whose texts were included in the publication.
Discover the full 2019 edition here.
Read MoreCélébration de la Fête du 50 en Moyenne Section
Le mardi 4 juin, nos élèves de Moyenne Section célébraient la Fête du 50 pour marquer cinquante jours passés depuis le centième jour d’école. Chasse aux nombres, activités de graphisme, jeux de société … sous le regard attentionné des élèves de CM1, convertis ce jour là en assistants, les MS ont compté et dénombré, seuls ou en groupes, tout au long de la matinée. Un beau moment d’apprentissage pour tous !
Joint Year 11 forensic science project comes to a close!
September 2018: a ‘murder’ is committed within the walls of Ecole Jeannine Manuel in Paris. Following the discovery of the body, a team of Year 11s from our schools in London and Paris are tasked with identifying the culprit! After nearly nine months of close scientific collaboration with their Parisian peers, our students headed over to Paris to close the case.
Since September, pupils had been using forensic techniques, such as fingerprinting, blood typing, Henssge Nomogram or hair sample analysis, to whittle down the original list of 15 suspects. Throughout the year, students in Paris and London worked together to collate data from their experiments and reach conclusions. By early June, the number of suspects had been reduced to three and the students travelled to Paris to carry out the final stage in their research together. Using DNA Gel Electrophoresis to analyse DNA samples recovered from the crime scene, they were able to clearly identify the killer.
For Science Teacher Mr Smyth, “this project was an excellent opportunity for Year 11 pupils to become familiar with some of the forensic techniques used in crime labs around the world, and to collaborate with students at Ecole Jeannine Manuel in Paris.”

Upper School Premises now open
We are delighted to announce that our Upper School premises are now open! Since moving in, our Year 10 and Year 11s have had a wonderful time exploring the new building and are already putting the brand new learning spaces to good use.
Located on Russell Square, steps away from the British Museum and our Bedford Square site, these new premises will ultimately house students from Year 10 to Year 13.
A very big thank you and congratulations to all those who made this possible!