If you love Maths – We love You!
Our Baccalauréat Français International (BFI) is a French baccalaureate with a twist.
École Jeannine Manuel is the only UK school offering the American Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus BC curriculum in substitution for the mathématiques expertes option of the French bac with an increased coefficient of 20 (instead of 2 for mathématiques expertes).
Most importantly, top-ranked universities recognise AP Calculus BC as a world-class course whose successful completion shows an exceptional aptitude for maths. This is true in the US, of course, but also in the UK and even in France. Cambridge University’s website, for example, notes that “for Cambridge courses that ask for Mathematics and Further Mathematics A Level, Calculus BC is strongly preferred.”
Although French recognition might seem surprising, AP Calculus BC constitutes an excellent preparation for CPGE (MPSI, MP2I, and PCSI). Indeed, Henri IV and Louis-Le-Grand prépas teachers recently produced a 184-page document to help students prepare for the most demanding prépas « dans une optique assez proche du calculus anglo-saxon » (p.2).
Please note that AP Calculus BC involves two 45-minute periods of weekly instruction – taught in English – in Year 12 and three periods in Year 13. This course, exciting and rewarding for maths lovers, is a superb preparation for the most demanding university courses in mathematics, engineering, computer science and economics, and a useful transition from French to English-language mathematics. It involves, however, a rigorous and challenging curriculum, significantly beyond the level expected of spécialité mathématiques and mathématiques expertes.
Background: École Jeannine Manuel in London offers both a French bac track (BFI only) and an International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) track in sixth form. In 2022, 100% of French-track students earned mention Très Bien or Bien (average 16.4) and 100% of IBDP students were awarded full bilingual diplomas (average 39,4). Furthermore, 11% of students benefit from bursaries covering an average of two thirds of their school fees and we aim to grow this to 20% over the next five years. Visit our dedicated admissions page to find out how to apply.
Read MoreEdible water bottles: Possible?
By Maiya and Eleonore
In 2016, Ooho were created by Skipping Rocks Lab to improve the environment by using fewer plastic bottles.
In late 2016, Skipping Rocks Lab created the Ooho out of sodium alginate. They created this product to show the world that there is a much safer way to drink water and a more eco-friendly way to use fewer water bottles. This creation is not yet available in stores but soon will be. (more…)
Read MoreRubik’s Renaissance
By Benjamin
Since 2005 the famous Rubik’s Cube trend has come back to life nearly everywhere in the world. From a simple toy lying in your cupboard to a competitive hobby, one out of seven people have already played with it. But why is it so popular?
The Rubik’s Cube was invented in 1974 by the Hungarian architect Ernö Rubik and has rapidly spread its cubes over the world as it is now the most sold toy ever made. Probably because of these factors: there are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible scrambles, which makes every solve unique when compared to other repetitive toys. Also, the fact of seeing your times decrease with each solve keeps you passionate about the Magic Cube (its original name). (more…)
Read MoreHomework Hassle
By Eleonore
Children at our school have had a debate, on the 6th of March, about whether they should have to do homework or not.
The students of our school have had a civilised discussion about if the teachers should give less homework, or even, stop giving pupils homework completely.
The students asked for this debate after complaining that some of their teachers were giving them too much homework. (more…)
Read More#HereWeAre
By Alexandra and Beatrice
In light of several recent uncoverings of sexual harassment and abuse accounts, many hashtags have emerged, #HereWeAre being one of the most recent. The purpose of this hashtag was to empower women, and it was presented through the form of a video released by Twitter during the Oscars. However, perhaps what differentiates this hashtag most from other ones of its kind is the immense amount of controversy that the video received.
While the video was indeed empowering and progressive, featuring women of different ages, shapes, races and ethnicities, the fact that Twitter released the video seemed hypocritical, seeing as it has a history of ‘instead of raising women’s voices [shutting] them down’. One example of this being when Rose McGowan accused Harvey Weinstein of sexually abusing her. Immediately after these claims, McGowan’s Twitter account was shut down, even though she was the victim of the situation. (more…)
Read MorePupil interviews US Ambassador
Many congratulations to Beatrice (Year 10), whose interview of American Ambassador Johnson has just been published in First News. The focus of the interview was on the crucial role played by first responders in times of crisis. Watch the full interview here!
Open House Weekend
Register your interest here.
Think, Dare, Share ! Summer 2018
The summer edition of our newsletter is now available. Click on the image to discover everything our pupils have been up to this term. Enjoy!
Read MoreTop marks on Chinese Language Exam
This year and for the first time, our pupils took the Youth Chinese Exam (YCT), a Chinese Language Exam recognised throughout the world. The results are in and they are very impressive!
In Primary School, the pass rate was 100%, of which 30% obtained full marks. In Middle School, 96% of pupils passed the exam, a similar result to that obtained by pupils in our Parisian sister school.
Congratulations to all for their hard work – 很棒!
Walk to School Week
May signals the start of charity Living Streets’ National Walking Month, a celebration of the benefits this simple act brings. On this occasion, we are encouraging pupils and their parents to take part in the Walk to School Week (21-25 May).
In preparation for this event, our pupils will be talking about the benefits of walking with their teachers, and our Year 4s have even created some impressive posters to raise awareness around school!