Qualification Offering
Ecole Jeannine Manuel – London attracts a vibrantly international population of students and staff, and currently has over 40 nationalities represented among its 585 students. Families are attracted to the school’s ambitious bilingual curriculum which aims to equip students with the ability to express themselves in French or in English, orally or in writing, with native ease and compelling effectiveness. The school also offers instruction in Chinese (starting in Year 4), Spanish, German and Latin. Due to the international nature of its student body, many of its pupils are in fact fluent in three or more languages by the time they leave school, thereby making them particularly well equipped to pursue their Higher Education around the globe. The UK is a popular destination, as are France and North America.
Students of Ecole Jeannine Manuel follow a common track to Year 11 after which they must choose between two world-class and world-renowned leavers’ diplomas:
- The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (“IBDP” or “IB”): the IB curriculum is made up of a programme core and subjects distributed among six subject groups which include an array of course to choose from. Students choose to study three of these subjects at Higher Level and the remaining three at Standard Level.
- The French Baccalaureate, International Option (“OIB”): the French Baccalaureate consists of a common core which includes French, Philosophy, History-Geography, a MFL, P.E. and Science, and a choice of three specialisation subjects to be chosen from a diverse array of subjects. These Special Subjects are comparable to A-level or IB Higher Level subjects. Students drop one of their three Special Subjects at the end of Year 12 and are assessed at that point (comparable to AS-level). OIB students also take two additional A-Level standard subjects: English Language & Literature and History-Geography, for which they are taught and examined in English at first-language level.
Covid Disruption Information
From the 11th January 2021 to 8th March 2021, our students were again forced to return to online teaching.
Throughout both lockdown periods, our school offered online lessons complemented by independent learning activities. Pupil attendance was overall excellent. While online teaching does not allow for the same quality of teacher-student interactions as in-person teaching, our pupils lost very little teaching time overall.
Disruption to the normal university application processes: Higher Education counselling was done online during lockdowns.