Transport for London visits Primary School Students
A very big thank you to Transport for London for talking to our Primary School students about safety on the road and on public transport! TfL’s STARS programme inspires young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely – we will be hosting more events as the year goes on!
A Royal Society book review
The judges have spoken! After months of reading and discussing the books shortlisted by the Royal Society for their Young People’s Book Prize, our students had their final judging meeting this week. The Royal Society will use their final scores and comments to decide which book will win the 2019 edition of the prize – we can’t wait to find out the final result!
Read More“Best independent schools in the UK” : Pupils achieve outstanding IGCSE results
We are delighted to announce that our first cohort of pupils have achieved brilliant IGCSE results. All pupils sat IGCSEs and 100% obtained A*-C marks with A* or A achieved by 58% for First Language English and 67% for English Literature. These outstanding results mean that we are ranked #4 amongst small independent schools throughout the UK! Congratulations to all the pupils and their teachers.
The full results can be found here:
First language English 2019
A* 32%
A and above 58%
B and above 84%
C and above 100%
English Literature 2019
A* 39%
A and above 67%
B and above 94%
C and above 100%
Read MoreReception pupils meet mounted police
A huge thank you to the Metropolitan Police who came to visit our Reception pupils yesterday! The students were very excited to meet Tempest and Phoenix and had plenty of questions for the police officers. They now know all about the mounted police. Thank you to all those who made this possible!
Read More
Entretien avec Pauline Prévot dans l’Echo Magazine
“En dehors de ses excellents résultats, qu’est-ce qui fait la renommée de votre école? Son ouverture et les valeurs sur lesquelles elle est bâtie, ainsi que l’épanouissement de nos élèves qui développent ici leur autonomie et leur esprit critique !”
Retrouvez l’entretien complet de Pauline Prévot dans l’Echo Magazine en cliquant sur ce lien.
Read MoreOur students’ work published in the Printemps des Jeunes Auteurs
“From an early age, all children are taught to share. Parents teach siblings to share. Teachers model and support sharing among classmates at school…Faced with the idea of sharing the planet, our young authors have looked at the simple – sharing with a friend – and the complex – sharing resources across borders.”
This year, the theme for Ecole Jeannine Manuel’s 8th edition of the Printemps des Jeunes Auteurs was “Sharing our Planet”. We are extremely proud of the ten students from our school whose texts were included in the publication.
Discover the full 2019 edition here.
Read MoreNos collégiens lauréats du concours de la Flamme de l’Égalité
Un immense bravo aux collégiens et enseignants qui ont participé au concours de la Flamme de l’Egalité organisé par l’Education Nationale pour promouvoir la recherche autour du thème de l’esclavage. Leur projet, un récit du Chemin de Fer Clandestin raconté sur Twitter, a été retenu pour une rubrique spéciale sur le combat mené par les femmes alors qu’elles étaient esclaves. Le jury a notamment salué “la grande originalité du compte Twitter créé, la mise en relation de l’histoire de l’esclavage, et la mise en avant de personnalités historiques” au sein de leur projet. Bravo à tous !
Retrouvez le projet complet ici.
Read MoreCélébration de la Fête du 50 en Moyenne Section
Le mardi 4 juin, nos élèves de Moyenne Section célébraient la Fête du 50 pour marquer cinquante jours passés depuis le centième jour d’école. Chasse aux nombres, activités de graphisme, jeux de société … sous le regard attentionné des élèves de CM1, convertis ce jour là en assistants, les MS ont compté et dénombré, seuls ou en groupes, tout au long de la matinée. Un beau moment d’apprentissage pour tous !
Read MoreJoint Year 11 forensic science project comes to a close!
September 2018: a ‘murder’ is committed within the walls of Ecole Jeannine Manuel in Paris. Following the discovery of the body, a team of Year 11s from our schools in London and Paris are tasked with identifying the culprit! After nearly nine months of close scientific collaboration with their Parisian peers, our students headed over to Paris to close the case.
Since September, pupils had been using forensic techniques, such as fingerprinting, blood typing, Henssge Nomogram or hair sample analysis, to whittle down the original list of 15 suspects. Throughout the year, students in Paris and London worked together to collate data from their experiments and reach conclusions. By early June, the number of suspects had been reduced to three and the students travelled to Paris to carry out the final stage in their research together. Using DNA Gel Electrophoresis to analyse DNA samples recovered from the crime scene, they were able to clearly identify the killer.
For Science Teacher Mr Smyth, “this project was an excellent opportunity for Year 11 pupils to become familiar with some of the forensic techniques used in crime labs around the world, and to collaborate with students at Ecole Jeannine Manuel in Paris.”