As stated in the government’s 4th January update, schools will move to online learning for students from Year 1 to Year 13. These measures will likely be in effect until the February half-term.
Students in Nursery & Reception can continue to attend school.
What measures is the school taking to minimise the risk from Covid-19 for students who are in attendance?
We are following government guidance with regards to the reopening of school premises and invite you to consult these here.
Our School’s full risk assessment can be found here.
What should I do if my child has coronavirus symptoms?
Please consult this NHS information page for further information. Please note that when any member of your household has symptoms (or tested positive), all members of the household must self-isolate.
What are current government guidelines concerning self-isolation?
Please consult the links below for information concerning:
Note that NHS guidance requires you to self-isolate if anyone in your household has Covid-19 symptoms or is tested positive.
Note that how long you need to self-isolate depends on if you have Covid-19 or if you are a close contact (as determined by the NHS) of someone who does.